Why inclusion efforts get stuck

With every client/partner that works with me, the question I ask them is

I ask this question because in my experience where inclusion gets stuck is when it sits/stays as a silo - as a separate function to an organisation.  

It's a strategic pillar that sits over here or maybe over there, or perhaps under People and Culture.

It's not really integrated into the DNA of the business, of the fabric of the business and herein lies the problem.

Inclusion needs to be a thread that's running right throughout the organisation; it needs to be the fabric, the DNA of a business, and that's exactly what needs to happen to create a truly inclusive culture and business

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on why most inclusion efforts get stuck.

In case you missed it:

You can download your complimentary copy of the discussion paper, So you've done D&I training, now what?, to learn how to make D&I training effective and to discover other inclusion solutions that work.


On belonging and connection


In inclusion, expertise matters